US researchers warned against excessive consumption of soft drinks, and said that this may contribute to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.
Dr. ...
I have cirrhosis of the liver and I hope to get some medical advice to slow down the progression of the disease because the treating doctor...
In addition to using it to coat the inner layer of bisphenol-A (BPA) food cans, there are many uses, the most dangerous of which is the strengthening ...
I was asked several times in the clinic about the frequently talked about discussion in the medical community about the possible negative effect of ac...
Weight loss methods
There are many advertisements these days about ways to lose weight, so what is the feasible way and the least damage?
The best w...
Scientists have discovered a new type of protein growth inhibitor that could help in the long-term treatment of patients infected with the hepatitis C...
Why does nutrition seem so confusing? Why does a person get sick even though he eats enough proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the form of delicious ...
Two weeks ago, I was in the United States of America, specifically in Orlando, Florida, where I was invited to participate in the 2010 Gastrointestina...
What are the causes of cirrhosis of the liver and what are the complications of this disease?
In the case of cirrhosis or chronic liver fa...
Water makes up about 70% of the human body. Each of the hundred trillion cells of the body is filled with water, and all the substances of the body, f...
Celiac disease is known as sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in wheat and barley. The disease was described long ago, but the causes of the disea...
drugs and liver
What drugs have a toxic effect on the liver, and how can these damages be avoided?
Hepatitis can be caused by drugs that have direct...
A study, the result of which was reported in a British newspaper, showed that children who eat breakfast every day are not exposed to obesity to the s...
Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, or the cecum, which is a small, hollow, finger-shaped tube that emerges from the first part of the colon...
Nausea and vomiting
What are the causes of frequent nausea and vomiting?
Gastrointestinal inflammation is often responsible for cases of nausea and ...
A Chinese-German research team conducted a study on hepatitis B in people who do not have the disease in advance, but who are at risk, such as those w...
Colorectal cancer is the most common digestive cancer. Unlike most digestive cancers, the patient's longevity is good, provided the disease is detecte...
Did you know that the signs of aging begin at the age of twenty-five? If you are between twenty-five and thirty and feel (while you are in the midst o...
food allergy
What are allergenic foods?
Although 33% of people think they have a food allergy, only 1% of them actually have it. The resulting react...
Children eating full-fat milk every day does not cause obesity, as is rumored.
A new study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden revealed that ...
Sometimes people go to the doctor because they think they have an ulcer, but they don't actually have an ulcer. Despite the grating pain in the upper ...
Efforts to help obese children become more active while improving their diet may reduce the amount of fatty tissue in their livers, researchers said.
Hepatitis A. Acute viral hepatitis A is the most common and least dangerous hepatitis virus and is most common in places where levels of health servic...
Para-cancerous tumors
What are semi-cancerous tumors and how are they detected and treated?
Paracancerous tumors are a rare type of cancer that most...
A recent American scientific study showed that some liver patients may benefit from drinking coffee on a daily basis, after its results indicated that...
Stomach cancer is more common in men but rarely occurs before age 50. The causes of stomach cancer are not clear, but Helicobacter pylori that causes ...
ulcerative colitis
I would like to consult you about a matter that worried me for a long time, and I did not find any solution to it, as I had ulcera...
American scientists have indicated that liver cells grown from the patient's skin cells can contribute to the treatment of liver disease without relyi...
In chronic pancreatitis, severe or recurrent inflammation of the pancreas causes permanent damage. Other causes include gallstones, certain medication...
for gastroesophageal reflux
What drugs may worsen gastroesophageal reflux disease?
Some medications and supplements can worsen GERD symptoms by depr...
When the main intestine fails to perform its function of processing and absorbing nutrients inside the human body, it is agreed upon by many specialis...
The muscles of the esophagus push the swallowed food down until it reaches the stomach. Esophageal spasm and esophageal achalasia are disorders that a...
Diarrhea in diabetics
I have diarrhea, may God bless you, for two years. I am a diabetic man, and by the way, I went to the hospital more than once, ...
A study revealed that the incidence of liver cancer in Britain has tripled over the past thirty years. Statistics collected by Cancer Research UK show...
There is a ready-made and tempting salad dressing on the market. But buying it and putting it in power is not without risk; Because the goal of the pr...
Colorectal cancer is the most common digestive cancer. Each year, about 130,000 cases are diagnosed in the United States. Unlike most digestive cancer...
weight loss
My weight decreased by 5 kilograms within one month, knowing that I did not follow any kind of diet, does it require any tests, with than...
US researchers have found that a slight difference in a person's genetic code can determine whether they respond to a round of treatment for hepatitis...
Diarrhea is a very common symptom of viral diseases, and most cases of diarrhea resolve spontaneously without treatment. However, in a few cases, diar...
What are the causes of cirrhosis of the liver and is there any guidance for those infected with this disease?
Chronic liver failure or cir...
Young people who are overweight face a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer during their lifetime compared to those of normal weight, a new stu...
Sowing is soaking seeds (any kind) in water for a whole night, then filtering the soaking water and leaving the seeds wet but without being submerged ...
Irritable bowel disease, known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a common condition that reaches 15 percent in Western statistics, and although this con...
I have a problem, which is loss of appetite and not digesting food naturally. This situation started about two months ago. The problem is...
Scientists at the University of North Carolina have succeeded in identifying a protein that is able to monitor and display the health and speed of agi...
In Defense of Food “A book written by Michael Pollan discusses a major issue which, in the author's opinion, is the cause of the health problems fac...
Burning in the chest and sometimes in the throat (called heartburn) is a common symptom. In fact, a large number of people suffer from heartburn on a ...
Gilbert syndrome
The doctor mentioned to me that I have a condition called (Gilbert Syndrome), and I would like to know what this condition is? Grate...
A new study shows that parents who are physically young at a relatively young age may increase the risk of their children developing serious liver pro...
Many patients raise a question about the feasibility of the capsule camera in diagnosis and treatment, and its availability, and whether it dispenses ...
How is laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Are there any future complications to remove the gallbladder?
Until the 1990s, the gallbladder ...
A Swedish medical study reported that the process of stapling the stomach, that is, creating a fold in it to reduce its capacity for the purpose of lo...
During summer vacation, families (whether the family is traveling or not) go out to restaurants as part of their change and recreation. Here, the resp...
Patients suffering from chronic and recurring abdominal pain often visit the gastroenterology clinic, the internal medicine clinic, or even the genera...
An American study revealed that eating meat is associated with an increased risk of weight gain and obesity, specifically abdominal obesity, among adu...
Traveler's diarrhea is an intestinal infection that travelers often get (especially by land or sea) if they eat water or food contaminated with fecal ...
Acute liver failure is a disease that attacks people who were healthy suddenly, in both acute and chronic liver failure, there is damage or death of l...
In a previous article, we presented 3 of the six steps contained in the book: “The Way to Eat: A Six- Step Path To Lifelong Weight Control: How to E...
What is meant by lactose intolerance?
To digest lactose, the body needs the enzyme lactase. Babies are born with a large amount of this enzyme. But w...
Recently, unidentified types of vegetable oils have spread in the market, that is, only written on them: edible oil, vegetable oil, etc. These are oil...
The best way to safely lose weight and keep it off is to change lifestyles. Many preparations and nutritional programs promise to help you lose weight...
Abdominal pain
What are the causes of frequent abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain occurs alone or accompanies other digestive symptoms. Occasional abdom...
There are many types and causes of pancreatitis, including gallstones or drinking alcohol, but there are rare types, such as hereditary pancreatitis, ...
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recognized soy protein for heart health, but at the same time has included soy in the Poisonous Plant Da...
Hemochromatosis (HEMOCHROMATOSIS) is a genetic abnormality that causes the intestines to absorb too much iron, often called iron overabsorption. Exces...
Are there known causes of gastrointestinal tumors?
The first thing people fear when digestive problems appear is cancer. Although this diseas...
Dr. Rachel Thompson, head of the scientific program at the World Cancer Research Fund, revealed recent studies linking the risk of developing cancer t...
Most liver cancers do not start in the liver but extend to it from other sites, and this is called secondary or transitional cancer. Primary cancer th...
Celiac disease is known as sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in wheat and barley. The disease was described long ago, but the causes of the disea...
H1N1 swine influenza is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae family that mostly affects pigs. Influenza...
Prevent stones from forming
I have recurring gallstones, even after removing the gallbladder, and the doctor prescribed me bile salt tablets, so what...
The immune inflammation of the pancreas is a special case of chronic pancreatitis that responds greatly to cortisone, but to this day, the diagnosis o...
We mentioned in a previous issue the symptoms associated with gallstones, and how they occur, and we mentioned that not all gallstones have the same c...
I suffer from burning in the esophagus and it does not improve except with medicines such as Zantac. In the recent period, I started using Pa...
A Chinese and German research team conducted a study on hepatitis B in people who do not have the disease in advance, but are at risk, such as those w...
You may feel constant pain in the upper abdomen that neither antacids nor painkillers can get rid of. You try to change your position and stand, bend ...
On Monday, Rabi` Al-Awwal 19, Al-Riyadh newspaper published a news item on its last page stating that 22% of all Saudis suffer from high blood pressur...
Oral hernia
* Please clarify the meaning of oropharyngeal hernia, as I have been suffering from it for a long time? Is surgery a final solution?
American researchers said that finding a drug to treat the common cold is within their reach, after they managed to decipher the genetic code of 99 st...
"Milk is the reason!" The title of a book (found in our libraries) tells the story of a woman's struggle with breast cancer, and lists everything she ...
Continuing the discussion about colorectal cancer, which is the most common digestive cancer, and we have confirmed that the proportion of people livi...
I am 35 years old, and I suffer from hepatitis C. The doctors advised me to treat interferon. Does this treatment work and does it have any...
The treatment of esophageal cancer remains one of the difficult matters with all the advances in modern medicine, whether pharmacological or surgical,...
Colorectal cancer is the most common digestive cancer. Each year, about 130,000 cases are diagnosed in the United States. Unlike most digestive cancer...
Day by day, information is increasing that confirms that white sugar is harmful to health. However, can white sugar be dispensed with after its use sp...
A new scientific study warns that migraine headaches may predispose to mental disorders.
And the American medical website Newswise quoted researcher ...
The patient feels severe pain in the upper abdomen, penetrating to the back. Lying down increases pain, which is relieved only by bending over. This p...
I read your article about non-ulcer indigestion and found that the symptoms apply to me, and I took a lot of medications after the doctor...
Hepatitis A. Hepatitis A is a highly contagious form of infection transmitted through food or water contaminated with the faeces of a person infected ...
White sugar is the product of the processing and refining of useful natural plants such as sugar cane, beets, sweet corn, etc. But the processing proc...
What is meant by non-ulcer indigestion? And how is it treated?
Sometimes people go to the doctor because they think they have an ulcer, but they don'...
Researchers at the US National Academy of Sciences stressed the need for older adults over the age of 50 to take vitamin B12 food tablets to protect t...
peptic ulcer
I took several medicines to treat stomach ulcers, but I did not recover yet? What is the work and what are the reasons?
Approximately 9...
Because gastroesophageal reflux patients suffer from pain and burning in the chest even after continuing to take antacid drugs for several years, and ...
The most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease are Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, an expression that includes all inflammatory condition...
Reports and statistics issued by the World Health Organization in the year 2008 showed that smoking is one of the factors that lead to some types of c...
The power of the Creator, Glory be to Him, is manifested when you meditate on His countless blessings upon you, and if we want to feel that through on...
The word cocoa comes from the Aztec language of South America, in which the word means food of the gods or bitter water. To this day, people in Mexico...
There are several types of malignant esophageal tumors, but the symptoms are often close and are more common in men compared to women, and an increase...
A publication of a study in the American Journal (Liver Transplant) carried out by one of the liver transplant centers in Italy after the modification...
Stomach and intestinal problems are the second reason for hospitalization (births are the first). Out of every ten people who visit the doctors, four ...
In a previous issue, we discussed the types of peptic ulcers and the rate of infection with the causes and factors leading to their formation, and tod...
When the primary intestine fails to perform its function of processing and absorbing nutrients inside the human body, it is agreed upon by many specia...
In the past, vitamin D was associated with bone diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis only, but today it is believed that vitamin D plays an impor...
Ulcer is the medical term for an open wound. It is of several types, including pressure ulcers (depression or pressure ulcers) that affect the lower b...
Intestinal irritation
What is the difference between Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBD) and the inability to absorb lactose or sorbitol?
If the cases of...
After reviewing many studies published in many international medical journals, a group of American researchers in Houston reached a set of results tha...
Irritable bowel disease (or Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a common condition that affects 10 to 15 people out of every 100 people, and it is one of the...